The Guardian (UK)

11/14/2024 Fears for spread of malaria in Africa as study finds resistance to frontline drug

An article reporting on research released at the 2024 Annual Meeting.

O Estado de S.Paulo

11/17/2023 Insetos modifi cados emlaboratório ajudamalgumas cidades areduzir casos dedengue em até 90%

An article reporting on research released at the 2023 Annual Meeting. (Paywall)


11/01/2023 A 'tropical disease' carried by sand flies is confirmed in a new country: the U.S.

An article reporting on research released at the 2023 Annual Meeting.


10/24/2023 First malaria vaccine slashes early childhood mortality

An article reporting on research released at the 2023 Annual Meeting.


10/21/2023 Scientists deliberately gave women Zika — here’s why

An article reporting on research released at the 2023 Annual Meeting.

USA Today

10/20/2023 Tropical disease now endemic in U.S., CDC says. Imported dogs could bring deadlier form

An article reporting on research released at the 2023 Annual Meeting.


10/20/2023 First pill for dengue shows promise in human challenge trial

An article reporting on research released at the 2023 Annual Meeting.


10/19/2023 Cache Valley Virus: Another Mosquito-Borne Illness Making Inroads in U.S.

An article reporting on research released at the 2023 Annual Meeting.

MedPage Today

01/08/2023 Kissing Bug Confidential: Priorities for Managing Chagas Disease

Article by 2008 President Claire Panosian Dunavan, MD, DTM&H, FASTMH, with data presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

The Associated Press

11/01/2022 Invasive mosquitoes could unravel malaria progress in Africa

This article is about research released at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

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