Hindustan Times

11/18/2020 Chapare virus: All about the deadly virus that can spread between humans

This article is about research released at the 2020 Annual Meeting.

Daily Mail

11/16/2020 Deadly ticks develop a taste for humans over dogs when exposed to warmer temperatures, study reveals

This article is about research released at the 2020 Annual Meeting.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

10/21/2020 Study: Light pollution may increase nighttime biting in mosquitoes

This article is about a Journal study that looked at how the nighttime feeding habits of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are being affected by light pollution.

The New York Times

08/16/2020 Coronavirus Doctors Battle Another Scourge: Misinformation

This article is about a Journal study that looked at COVID-19 misinformation being spread online during the pandemic.


08/12/2020 'Hundreds dead' because of Covid-19 misinformation

This article is about a Journal study that looked at COVID-19 misinformation being spread online during the pandemic.


08/10/2020 Covid-19 misinformation is spreading in 25 different languages, leading to deaths and injuries, study finds

This article is about a Journal study that looked at COVID-19 misinformation being spread online during the pandemic.

Scientific American

04/16/2020 Here’s What We Know about the Most Touted Drugs Tested for COVID-19

This article includes mention of a Journal article calling for more randomized controlled trials of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. 


11/24/2019 This lab on wheels could be a game-changer during the next Ebola outbreak, scientists say

This article is about an exhibit set up at the 2019 Annual Meeting in National Harbord, MD.


11/23/2019 Longer-term data fail to clear concern over Takeda's dengue vaccine

This article is about research data released at the 2019 Annual Meeting in National Harbord, MD.

The Wall Street Journal

11/23/2019 Takeda’s Dengue Vaccine Shows Promise

This article is about research data released at the 2019 Annual Meeting in National Harbord, MD.

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