Awards and Honors
Please note: To share equally among everyone in our tropmed community, only one ASTMH (including the Subgroups) award, travel award, fellowships and/or medal will be awarded to a single recipient in a given year.
Society-Level Medals
Medal recipients are limited to one medal per year.
Bailey K. Ashford Medal
The Bailey K. Ashford Medal is awarded for distinguished work in tropical medicine to a worker in his or her early or mid-career.
Ben Kean Medal
To recognize a clinician or educator whose dedication to clinical tropical medicine and impact on the training of students, fellows and/or practitioners of tropical medicine is in keeping with the tradition established by Dr. Kean.
Joseph Augustin LePrince Medal
In recognition of outstanding work in the field of malariology.
Clara Southmayd Ludlow Medal
Recognizes honorees for their inspirational and pioneering spirit, whose work represents success despite obstacles and advances the field of tropical medicine. The medal is open to all scientists: MDs and non-MDs, American and international.
Donald Mackay Medal
For outstanding work in tropical health, especially relating to improvements in the health of rural or urban workers in the tropics. Preference is given to medically qualified individuals.
Walter Reed Medal
To recognize distinguished accomplishment in the field of tropical medicine.
Society-Level Awards/Recognition
Communications Award
The goal of the award is to recognize content that enhances the public's understanding and appreciation of tropical medicine research, clinical practice and/or policy. Entries are judged on scientific accuracy, initiative, originality, clarity of interpretation and value in fostering a better understanding of the field of tropical medicine by non-science audiences.
Donald Krogstad Award for Early-Career Malian Scientists
Donald Krogstad, MD, FASTMH, had a distinguished career as a physician-scientist and malaria researcher starting in the 1960’s. He was a dedicated member and past president of the ASTMH. Donald Krogstad Award for Early-Career Malian Scientists provides funding of $25,000 total for up to two-years for scientists from Mali to pursue research in tropical medicine and/or public health with the goal of improving the lives of Malians. This annual award will support an early-career Malian scientist in pursuing research that aims to blend laboratory and field epidemiological approaches broadly related to solving priority health issues in Mali. The selection committee and awardees will reflect the diversity of Mali, a mindset that was a cornerstone of Donald Krogstad’s career.
ASTMH Distinguished International Fellow
ASTMH Distinguished International Fellow formally recognizes up to eight individuals who have made eminent contributions to a particular aspect of tropical medicine or hygiene. The candidates will be well-established in their careers. Nominations are limited to non-U.S. citizens. The individuals recognized by the ASTMH Board as meeting this exceptional standard are publicly acknowledged at the Annual Meeting.
While ASTMH Distinguished International Fellow is conferred in recognition for outstanding accomplishment in one’s career, this recognition does not carry the right to vote in ASTMH elections, per the Society’s constitution and bylaws.
ASTMH/Gates Foundation Annual Meeting Travel Awards
To support Annual Meeting travel of selected students and young investigators from the United States and globally.
Malaria Foundation International Legacy Travel Award
Two U.S. citizens conducting malaria research at a U.S. institution
will be selected to receive a Malaria Foundation International (MFI) Legacy Travel Award to support their attendance at the ASTMH Annual Meeting. The MFI Legacy Travel Awards are offered from 2023 - 2031 to qualified students, early career investigators and scientists actively working in the tropical medicine field to attend the Society’s Annual Meeting and present their work.
Young Investigator Award
To recognize the work of young investigators and to encourage developing scientists to pursue careers in various aspects of tropical disease research.
Society-Level Fellowships
Alan J. Magill Fellowship
The Alan J. Magill Fellowship was created by the ASTMH Board in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to honor the life, example and legacy of Alan J. Magill, MD, FASTMH.
ASTMH Subgroup-Sponsored Awards and Medal
ACCTMTH Clinical Research Award
Recognizes excellence in clinically-oriented research presented by a student (within six months of completing undergraduate or master's level training, including medical undergraduate degrees) or person in graduate medical training at the Annual Meeting.
ACCTMTH Clinician Travel Award
This travel award, introduced in 2023, recognizes a tropical medicine physician practicing in a low and low-middle income country who has demonstrated excellent clinical and teaching skills.
ACGH Award for Research Support
This award is aimed at all levels of trainees who are working toward ACGH goals mention in the ACGH Strategic Plan. The ACGH Award for Research Support is designed to support research expenses for trainees who have research projects that are currently active or that will start during 2025.
ACMCIP Award for Advanced Training
To encourage trainees to explore new parasitological systems, gain hands-on skills in working with parasites and their hosts and obtain advances knowledge in cutting-edge research topics and technologies.
ACMCIP Exchange Fellowship
Generous funding from our ASTMH parent body, along with your membership contributions, has allowed us to continue this award for 2025. It is aimed at all levels of trainees, including junior independent researchers seeking to gain new or additional research skills by visiting laboratories employing cutting-edge methods.
ACMCIP Take-Off Award in Parasitology Research
Recognizes an early-career stage scientist who has made significant contributions in the field of cellular, molecular and immunoparasitology.
The award is open to any early-career stage investigators who are within five years of starting their independent program.
ACMCIP's William Trager Award for Basic Parasitology
Recognizes a fundamental breakthrough in molecular, cellular or immunoparasitology.
ACME Breakthroughs in Medical Entomology Award
This award is designed to encourage and acknowledge significant advances in the field by investigators at any career stage.
ACME Future Leaders Fellowship in International Medical Entomology
Competitive award offered to an outstanding junior medical entomology researcher to showcase individuals that have matched interestes to ACME's objectives of promoting medical entomology and reducing the burden of human diseases transmitted by arthropods globally.
Dalrymple/Young Award (ACAV)
Presented to a mid-career investigator who has made an outstanding contribution to arbovirology.
Harry Hoogstraal Medal (ACME)
Recognizes outstanding achievement in medical entomology.
Medal recipients are limited to one medal per year.
Martin S. Wolfe Mentoring Award (ACCTMTH)
Recognizes one individual who has served as an exemplary and inspiring mentor and has been exceptional in guiding the professional growth of careers in tropical and travel medicine.
Richard M. Taylor Award (ACAV)
Recognizes outstanding contributions to arbovirology throughout a career.
Scherer/Hardy Award (ACAV)
Presented to an outstanding graduate either before graduation or up to three years post-graduation.
Named Invited Lectures at the Annual Meeting
Charles Franklin Craig Lecture
Presented in alternate years at the ASTMH Annual Meeting by a distinguished worker in the field of tropical medicine.
Commemorative Fund Lecture
Presented annually by an invited senior researcher resident in the tropics.
Fred L. Soper Lecture
Presented in alternate years at the ASTMH Annual Meeting by a distinguished scientist
involved in studies related to environmental control and preventive medicine in the tropics.
Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine
This fellowship is designed to support medical students involved in clinical or research
electives in tropical areas.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund-ASTMH Postdoctoral Fellowship in Tropical Infectious Diseases
Provides research support for individuals enrolled in infectious disease fellowship programs who will spend a portion of their time working on research in a tropical or developing area.
Centennial Travel Award in Basic Science Tropical Disease Research
This award provides support for a short-term research experience in the tropics.
Donald Krogstad Award for Early-Career Malian Scientists
This award provides funding of $25,000 total for up to two-years for scientists from Mali to pursue research in tropical medicine and/or public health with the goal of improving the lives of Malians. This annual award will support an early-career Malian scientist in pursuing research that aims to blend laboratory and field epidemiological approaches broadly related to solving priority health issues in Mali
Gorgas Memorial Institute Research Award
(1993-2014) This award is no longer available.
Designed to enhance and facilitate the development of scientific linkages between Panama, nationas of Central America and the Caribbean Islands, and the United States and Canada through support of short-term travel for young research investigators from these regions.
Robert E. Shope International Fellowship in Infectious Diseases
This award provides support for a short-term research experience in the tropics in the area of arbovirology and/or emerging diseases.