Infectious Diseases in Children

03/18/2019 Q&A: Fake, substandard drugs place tens of thousands of kids in danger

This article is a Q&A with Joel G. Breman, MD, DTPH, FASTMH, who co-authoried a study in the March 2019 issue of the Journal assailing the “pandemic” of falsified and substandard drugs for treating malaria, pneumonia, hypertension and other diseases that has become a public health emergency.

Daily Nation

03/15/2019 Kenya steps up efforts to fight the global fake drugs menace

This article is about a study in the March 2019 issue of the Journal assailing the “pandemic” of falsified and substandard drugs for treating malaria, pneumonia, hypertension and other diseases that has become a public health emergency.


03/12/2019 Global 'pandemic' of fake drugs killing children worldwide, report says

This article is about a study in the March 2019 issue of the Journal assailing the “pandemic” of falsified and substandard drugs for treating malaria, pneumonia, hypertension and other diseases that has become a public health emergency.


03/11/2019 Chickens Help Scientists Pinpoint Origin of Rare, Deadly Virus

This article is about a study in the March 2019 Journal that looked at how Florida chickens have warned researchers about the presence of eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) in the area.

The New York Times

11/05/2018 Dogs Can Detect Malaria. How Useful Is That?

This article is about research released at the 2018 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.


11/02/2018 How A Dog Could Stop The Global Spread Of Malaria

This article is about research released at the 2018 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.


11/01/2018 Ebola vaccines demonstrate long-lasting immune response

This article is about research released at the 2018 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.


11/01/2018 Tropical Disease Linked to Heart Trouble Turning Up in Border Security Dogs

This article is about research released at the 2018 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

The New York Times

10/31/2018 In Congo’s Ebola Outbreak, Experimental Treatments Are Proving Effective

This article is about research released at the 2018 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

MedPage Today

10/30/2018 Novel Dengue Vaccines Show Promise

This article is about research released at the 2018 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

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