11/01/2022 This urban mosquito threatens to derail the fight against malaria in Africa

This article is about research released at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

Agencia EFE

10/31/2022 Científicos piden "reducir las barreras" al sector biotecnológico cubano

This article is about a report released at the 2022 Annual Meeting.


10/31/2022 Antibody weapon against malaria shows promise in Africa

This article is about research released at the 2022 Annual Meeting.


11/22/2021 Possible explanation for yellow fever's return in Brazil: Drought

This article is about research released at the 2021 Annual Meeting.

The Associated Press

11/19/2021 Scientists mystified, wary, as Africa avoids COVID disaster

This article is about research released at the 2021 Annual Meeting

Bloomberg Law

11/18/2021 Current Boosters—Not Delta-Targeted Ones—Called Best Bet for Now

This article is about information presented by Barney Graham, Former Deputy Director, NIAID Vaccine Research Center  at NIH, during the Soper Lecture at the 2021 Annual Meeting.


11/18/2021 Studies: Ivermectin may stop spread of river blindness, West Nile virus

This article is about research released at the 2021 Annual Meeting.

Smithsonian Magazine

11/23/2020 Higher Temperatures Make Some Ticks Pick Humans Over Dogs

This article is about research released at the 2020 Annual Meeting.


11/22/2020 CDC Helps Identify Virus Behind Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak In Bolivia

This article is about research released at the 2020 Annual Meeting.


11/19/2020 Children as superspreaders of malaria

This article is about research released at the 2020 Annual Meeting.

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