The Lancet Global Health Blog
Malaria eradication: let battle commence
Yesterday in New Orleans, in the keynote speech at the opening of the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Bill Gates framed malaria control as a global health success story and made a call for malaria eradication in his lifetime. Since he has just turned 59, life tables suggest that he means by 2038; assuming of course that he is an average white American male, which he is clearly not! This call for nothing less than malaria eradication comes 7 years after a similar call by both Bill and Melinda Gates at a famous gathering in Seattle in October 2007. Much has changed in the intervening period.
Agence France-Presse
Bill Gates to give $500 million for malaria, other diseases
U.S. philanthropist Bill Gates announced at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in New Orleanshe that he will donate over $500 million to fight malaria and other infectious diseases in the developing world, saying the Ebola outbreak is a call to action.
The Hindu
Dengue’s down, but not out in Chennai
According to the Chennai Corporation, the number of dengue cases in the city has dropped from 310 in 2010, to 133 in 2013 and 56 this year as of September.
NPR's Shots
Ebola Researchers Banned From Medical Meeting In New Orleans
Louisiana health officials say that anyone who's been in an Ebola-affected country over the last three weeks will be quarantined in their hotel rooms. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene is telling researchers who've recently traveled to Ebola-affected parts of West Africa that they can't come to the society's annual meeting. That wasn't the medical group's idea.
Global Post
Two advances may pave new ways for combating malaria
Researchers in Tanzania said this week they have made strides in developing an important research tool that they hope will significantly contribute to developing anti-malarial drugs and vaccines suited to the African population.
CBS News
West Nile price tag close to $800 million
The economic impact of West Nile virus is much greater than originally thought, according to a new study. A CDC report finds that since it was first detected in the United States in 1999, the mosquito-borne disease has cost the country some $778 million. Past studies looked only at initial hospitalizations and treatments, but the new report also factored in long-term loss of productivity and other extended health care needs of those infected, like repeat doctor visits and medications.
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
CDC estimates West Nile hospital cases cost almost $800 million
Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in a study today estimate that hospitalized cases of West Nile virus (WNV) infection in the United States since the disease was introduced in 1999 have cost $778 million in healthcare expenses and lost productivity.