Scientific Content

ASTMH 2024 Annual Meeting
November 13-17, 2024
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, Louisiana, USAASTMH-24-Web-banner.png
2024 Invitation Letters

Invitation letters for travel approval assistance are available here.
For questions, please contact Chelsea Taylor, Operations Coordinator, at [email protected].

Call for Late-Breaker Abstracts

Submission Deadline: July 30, 2024
Click here to view the Late-Breaker Abstract submission guidelines with link to the submission site. The submission deadline is July 30, 2024. Contact Natalia Gutierrez, Scientific Program Coordinator, with questions at [email protected]

Call for Abstracts
Submission Deadline: April 17, 2024
The abstract submission site is now closed. Abstract notices will be distributed in mid-August. For questions, contact Natalia Gutierrez, Scientific Program Coordinator, at [email protected].

Call for Symposia
The Call for Symposia is now closed. Symposium notifications have been distributed.
For questions about symposia, contact Shaima Abdul-Aziz, Scientific Program Project Manager, at [email protected]

  • Tips and helpful practices for organizing a symposium

Watch a video from ASTMH member
Miguel Reina Ortiz in
English or Spanish on
the ASTMH YouTube channel

2023 Annual Meeting Session Recordings

Recordings of all sessions from the 2023 Annual Meeting are available to registered attendees. Click here. 

Sessions are also available for sale. Click here for more information.

2023 Annual Meeting Program Book Available on E-Reg Site
The Program Book and the Abstract Book are available on the e-Registration site, along with other information, including continuing education credit.

Download the Meeting App for the full meeting schedule
App Store / Google Play
Click here for instructions

ASTMH Values and Promotes Diversity

The Society takes great pride in its diverse membership. Through its elected and appointed leaders, committee structure, awardees, Annual Meeting presenters, etc., ASTMH strongly encourages diversity with regard to gender, race/ethnicity, country, and organization (including academia, governmental and non-governmental institutions, and for-profit companies).

About the ASTMH Annual Meeting: The ASTMH Annual Meeting draws tropical medicine and global health professionals representing academia, foundations, government, not for profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, military and private practice. The meeting is designed for researchers, professors, government and public health officials, military personnel, travel clinic physicians, practicing physicians in tropical medicine, students and all healthcare providers working in the fields of tropical medicine, hygiene and global health.

The Annual Meeting is a five-day educational conference that includes four pre-meeting courses and draws approximately 4,900 attendees.

Beware of Scams
Emails Offering to Sell ASTMH Data are Scams
ASTMH does not sell, rent or lease to third parties the emails of our members, Annual Meeting attendees or anyone else with whom we conduct business.
Click here for more information  






