#TropMed23: Green Task Force Events for the Annual Meeting

Posted 13 September 2023

The ASTMH Green Task Force (GTF) engaged with our #TropMed22 virtual and in-person attendees during our first-ever Greening Up Your Lab, Clinical Practice and Field Work symposium, the 2022 ASTMH Green Task Force Climate Survey, and a guided walk through the streets of Seattle along with many other conversations!

We have all more keenly and personally felt the effects of climate change in 2023, from heat waves, wildfires, extreme weather events, storms and flooding. Let us deepen our commitment to climate action together! The ASTMH GTF reminds us of our Society’s Green Statement.

We are excited to share the following events lined up with all #TropMed23 attendees:
  • ASTMH GTF invites us all to consider reducing our carbon footprint associated with our travel to #TropMed23. Do opt for overland travel via car/car-pool/train if you live close to Chicago. Follow ASTMH Twitter for further details on our first-ever Overland Travel Campaign!
  • During our Greening Up Your Lab, Clinical Practice and Field Work symposium at #TropMed22, we discussed the role of funders in the environmental impact of global health research. This year, we are excited to invite you to this important discussion and conversation on Friday, October 20, at 10:15 a.m. -Noon for our symposium titled, Cash for Climate? The Role of Funders and Upstream Stakeholders in Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Global Health Research. Come listen to our accomplished panelists sharing insights, perspectives and innovative practices across the globe and contribute with your experiences, questions and suggestions.
  • After this engaging symposium, we will all look forward to a nourishing, delicious and flavorful meat-free lunch on October 20, championing locally grown produce from Chicago. The GTF members will be at the exhibit hall. We will be delighted to converse with friends and colleagues, share the importance of the environmental impact of our dietary choices, and the small practical steps we can take toward incorporating more sustainable eating habits. 
  • Fourthly, the ASTMH GTF is fortunate to collaborate with the ASTMH Art Walk scheduled on Octobre 19 and October 20 (time to be announced). We invite everyone to experience the wonder of Chicago, the creative energy and natural environment through this outdoor Art Walk. We hope this walk will help us to take time to care for ourselves, foster gratitude for our environment, and inspire hope and wonder in our creativity and ability to imagine a better future. Please plan to have access to a pair of comfortable shoes and let’s get moving.  We plan to meet in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency Chicago to set off together. 
  • Lastly, please follow ASTMH on X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn for further updates from the ASTMH GTF! #GoingGreenASTMH #TropMed23

Safe travels to Chicago!

Thank you.
The Green Task Force